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Generative AI
For 3D Worlds

Champion Hill 
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Build better AI models with simulation & synthetic data

Generate physically accurate & diverse 3D worlds & capture perfectly labeled synthetic datasets.

Providing developers control over the data, distributions, and it's contents.

Enabling teams to build more performant AI models in a matter of days instead of months.

Generate 3D Environments for gaming and simulation

Create vast, high-fidelity environments to fuel your next game or simulation.

Filled with dynamic assets, complete with metadata for interactivity and scenario building.

Uncap the creativity of your 3D teams with a pipeline that works for them.

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Simulate rare and critical scenarios

Most real-world datasets are heavily biased. Bifrost lets you generate data of rare objects and events so you can create balanced datasets and robust AI models.

Configure data for new deployments

Choose from a range of locations, scenes, objects, and sensors.

Customise your environment

Control sun elevation, weather effects, perspectives and more. (7).gif

Integrate with existing workflows

Integrates into existing AI workflows to help improve model performance.

Don't let data slow you down

Get in touch with us and learn how you can supercharge your AI development today!

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